On 11/20/12 9:10 AM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 11:55 AM, George, Wes <wesley.geo...@twcable.com> wrote:
From: Christopher Morrow [mailto:morrowc.li...@gmail.com]
hey lookie! 'free uprades'!
[WEG] Better that than "we're going to replace all of this old technology with
exactly the same stuff because that's what the standards document says to do" like
happened in the rebuilding efforts for Katrina. I remember someone presenting about that
rebuilding effort during NANOG years ago, and I asked about opportunities for improvement
and upgrades and was really depressed at the missed opportunity it represented as they
confirmed that they were in fact laying new copper...
yea. it's acutally kinda nice that at least from CO -> building now
there maybe more highspeed links... and maybe lower long term costs?
Also, now VZ can sell the copper to all the rest of us for use in
fiber camouflage!
1200 pair is 5.5lbs per foot. That's somewhere in the neighborhood of
$100k per mile at retail scrap prices.