On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:52 PM, nanog <na...@afxr.net> wrote:
> On 10/26/2012 7:13 PM, Blair Trosper wrote:
>> I'm sure I'm bringing up a topic that's been brought up before, but I
>> figured I'd have a go.
>> Anyone from Google around that could answer to why there is no reverse
>> DNS/PTR with most Google IP addresses (from traceroute, etc)?
>> Alternatively, is there a server that can be utilized by the net operators
>> community to at least get an answer on some of the IPs?
>> It's very frustrating to contend with no PTR records in traces for
>> troubleshooting and the like.
>> Any information (off list or on) would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Blair Trosper
>> Updraft Networks & North Texas GigaPOP
> Which particular address are you referring to?
> I get PTR responses for the limited set of address I get from google.

examples are good... I suspect he means things inside 15169's network
that are not serving external people services:

for instance?

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