On 09/28/2012 09:43 AM, Simon Perreault wrote:
Le 2012-09-28 12:15, Jay Ashworth a écrit :
The assumption of a 1-1 correspondence between gender and sex is old
fashioned nowadays.

Mammals have sex.

*Words* (and only words) have gender.

There's an RFC about that! RFC 6350, section 6.2.7, about the GENDER vCard property:

6.2.7.  GENDER

   Purpose:  To specify the components of the sex and gender identity of
      the object the vCard represents.

   Value type:  A single structured value with two components.  Each
      component has a single text value.

   Cardinality:  *1

   Special notes:  The components correspond, in sequence, to the sex
      (biological), and gender identity.  Each component is optional.

      Sex component:  A single letter.  M stands for "male", F stands
         for "female", O stands for "other", N stands for "none or not
         applicable", U stands for "unknown".

      Gender identity component:  Free-form text.


                   GENDER-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param
                   GENDER-value = sex [";" text]

                   sex = "" / "M" / "F" / "O" / "N" / "U"


     GENDER:;it's complicated

+1 for bringing it back to a technical discussion in a round about way.

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