Masataka Ohta <>: 

>Nick Hilliard wrote:
>>> Thus, protocols heavily depending on broadcast/multicast, such
>>> as ND, will suffer.
>> ok, you've trolled me enough to ask why ND is worse than ARP on a wavelan
>> network - in your humble opinion?
>Because, with IPv4:
>       1) broadcast/multicast from a STA attacked to an AP is
>       actually unicast to the AP and reliably received by the
>       AP (and relayed unreliably to other STAs). That is, a
>       broadcast ARP request from the STA to the AP is reliably
>       received by the AP.
>       2) the AP knows MAC and IP addresses of STAs
>       3) ARP and DHCP replies are usually unicast
>ARP and DHCP usually work.
>For an unusual case of ARP for other STAs, collisions do
>increase initial latencies, but as refreshes are attempted
>several times, there will be no latter latencies.
>OTOH, IPv6 requires many multicast received by STAs: RA and NS
>for DAD, for example.
>Worse, minimum intervals of ND messages are often very large,
>which means a lot of delay occurs when a message is lost.
>                                                       Masataka Ohta

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