On 09/04/2012 01:07 PM, David Miller wrote:

There is no requirement that all endpoints be *permitted* to connect to
and use any service of any other endpoint.  The end-to-end design
principle does not require a complete lack of authentication or

I can refuse connections to port 25 on my endpoint (mail server) from
hosts that do not conform to my requirements (e.g. those that do not
have forward-confirmed reverse DNS) without violating the end-to-end
design principle in any way.

The thing that has never set well with me with ISP blanket port 25
blocking is that the fate sharing is not correct. If I have a mail server
and I refuse to take incoming connects from dynamic "home" IP
blocks, the fate sharing is correct: I'm only hurting myself if there's
collateral damage. When ISP's have blanket port 25, the two parties
of the intended conversation never get a say: things just break
mysteriously as far as both parties are concerned, but the ISP isn't
hurt at all. So they have no incentive to drop their false positive
rate. That's not good.


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