printers always pissed me off when labeling tons of cables. i always
preferred those little plastic things that you clip on them. if you
want to be pro about it, i guess you can have something that is
printed and sticks to it, but i always just used a sharpie on them
(most of the time, the sharpie comes in the bag with it just in case
there is question about how to label them).

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
> On Aug 21, 2012, at 18:10 , "Robert E. Seastrom" <> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> Many moons ago I worked in a place where we had a Brady LS2000 wire
>> labeler.  So long as the supplies were fresh it was great.
>> In the storage unit I have a Brady TLS2200.  Supplies are expensive,
>> but it works reasonably well.  Unfortunately the battery is shot
>> (gotta replace that).
>> It seems to me that as cheap as the Brother P-Touch type labelers have
>> gotten that there might be some product by (Brady|Dymo|Brother|etc)
>> that everyone uses and recommends these days which is (a) cheap enough
>> that they can be deployed en masse rather than treated as a scarce
>> resource, (b) hopefully runs on standard (such as AAA) battery types,
>> and (c) has reasonably priced supplies.
>> Labeling cables is mostly what I'm interested in.  The el-cheapo
>> p-touch seems adequate to putting hostnames on machines.
>> Thoughts?
>> -r
> I'm still a big fan of the brady. The wrap-around self-laminating cable
> labels are really hard to beat.
> I don't even use the battery in mine... I just keep it plugged in to power.
> A $15 universal power supply from your local Fry's will do the trick.
> I don't know about the LS/TLS2200, mine is an IDEXPERT.
> Owen

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