On 20/08/2012 14:18, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
> On Aug 20, 2012, at 08:47 , Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net> wrote:
>> Most anything that supports IPv6 should handle this correctly, since
>> getaddrinfo() will return a list of addresses to try.
> Ah, the amazing new call which destroys any possibility of randomness or
> round robin or other ways of load balancing between A / AAAA records.

well, "new" as in about 16 years old.

> Yes, all of us returning more than one A / AAAA record are hoping that
> gets widely deployed instantly.  Or not.

inet_addr() is zomfg brain damaged, ipv4 only, non-thread-safe and needs to
die horribly in a fire.  getaddrinfo() puts at least the possibility of
address selection into the hands of the developer which is going to be
completely necessary for happy eyeballs / rfc3484bis / etc.


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