On Aug 18, 2012, at 5:35, Raymond Dijkxhoorn <raym...@prolocation.net> wrote:

> Reverse DNS isnt the only issue here. There are many sites that give each 
> user a subdomain. And if i look at my top talkers on some busy resolvers i do 
> see that thats doing about 25-30% of the lookups currently.
> akamai.net, amazonaws.com and so on. All make nice use of DNS for this.
> Those have litterly millions of entry's in DNS also. And thats what currently 
> is doing the load on resolvers...

Akamai has no "users".  So not really sure what you mean by that.

There are a /lot/ of hostnames on *.akamai.net.  That may have something to do 
with the 1000s of companies that use Akamai to deliver approximately 20% of all 
the traffic going down broadband modems.  Which fits nicely in your DNS lookup 


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