--- diogo.montag...@gmail.com wrote:\
From: Diogo Montagner <diogo.montag...@gmail.com>

For screening questions (for 1st level filtering), IMO, the questions
has to be straight to the point, for example:

1) What is the LSA number for an external route in OSPF?

This can have two answer: 5 or 7. So, I will accept if the candidate
answer 5, 7 or 5 and 7. Later on (the next level of the interview), a
techinical interviewer will chech if the candidate understand the
differences of LSA 5 and 7.

How often do you use this in everyday netgeeking?  Asking these
types of questions will assure that you get someone with a vendor
i-drank-the-kool-aid cert because they memorized the answers, but 
maybe not the best candidate for the position.  However, with some 
of today's managers kool-aid certs are looked on as better than an 
engineering degree.  Go figure...  :-(


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