On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Steven Noble <sno...@sonn.com> wrote:
> On Jul 6, 2012, at 4:16 PM, George Herbert <george.herb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 6) Puffed it up a little (worked with Cisco routers, but in the 7200
>> era, and hasn't categorized skills as recent / older), but hasn't
>> outright lied.
> The 7200 is still a heavily used platform today.  It has no correlation with 
> current skill sets IMHO.

Would s/7200/2500/g be an adequate correction?

I know of customers who still have 7200s as well, but in the context
of ISP network engineering...  Perhaps I'm wrong, but my impression is
people on this list have generally moved on by now.

Context matters.  One can always point to lingering examples of older
technology (if nowhere else, the Computer History Museum 8-).  The
question is whether the skill is relevant in context.

I built a nationwide T-1 backbone out of Livingston IRXes once (in the
early 90s) - the IRX left my resume by the late 1990s.  I know of at
least one still humming away in a closet, but it's not a relevant
technology.  I also learned (some) shell commands on a Vax 11/750 when
they were new and used Apple II's when they were new, and so on.  None
of these are resume-appropriate now, unless I want a job at the
Computer History Museum.

If people don't bother to clean up the resume, either they don't
understand what's relevant now, or they don't care, or they're trying
to hide something.

-george william herbert

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