Hello again,

I wanted to follow up and let NANOG community know the detailed plans for DNS 

Session will take place on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM        
in Salon A-C

NANOG DNS BoF 90mins

5 Mins Introductions - Mehmet
15 Mins Steve Crocker - Chair, FCC CSRIC Working Group 5, DNSSEC Implementation 
Practices for ISPs
10 Mins PCH Update - Robert Martin-Legène
10 Mins Verisign Update - Duane Wessels
10 Mins ICANN Update - Dave Knight
10 Mins Comcast Update - Chris Ganster
10 Mins ISC Update - Peter Losher
20 Mins Q&A - regarding presentations & more.

if you have any questions please feel free to contact me, looking forward to 
see you all there.


On May 2, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Mehmet Akcin wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> NANOG 55 will take place in Vancouver , Canada June 3-6 , 2012. I will send 
> more information about DNS Track timing and details of the track later.
> I am sending this email to ask NANOG attendees to help us organize a better 
> track by letting us know what topics they want to see covered about DNS.
> We are also inviting parties who are DNS Software providers,  service 
> providers, experts, and researchers to join and present about what they think 
> is interesting. Please contact me directly if you want to briefly bring 
> something interesting about DNS to this Track's and their attendees 
> attention. 
> Since the whole track will be 90mins and we want to allow as much as talks to 
> take a place it would be good idea to limit any specific talk to 15 mins and 
> keeping it really operational , brief and clear would be great idea.
> as I said earlier as soon as track details are decided,  I will send a second 
> e-mail to let the community know. thank you for your interest.
> mehmet

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