Hello everyone,

NANOG 55 will take place in Vancouver , Canada June 3-6 , 2012. I will send 
more information about DNS Track timing and details of the track later.

I am sending this email to ask NANOG attendees to help us organize a better 
track by letting us know what topics they want to see covered about DNS.

We are also inviting parties who are DNS Software providers,  service 
providers, experts, and researchers to join and present about what they think 
is interesting. Please contact me directly if you want to briefly bring 
something interesting about DNS to this Track's and their attendees attention. 

Since the whole track will be 90mins and we want to allow as much as talks to 
take a place it would be good idea to limit any specific talk to 15 mins and 
keeping it really operational , brief and clear would be great idea.

as I said earlier as soon as track details are decided,  I will send a second 
e-mail to let the community know. thank you for your interest.


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