> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 11:22:20AM -0700, Henk Hesselink wrote:
> > Have you looked at the HP ProLiant MicroServer?
> Notice it takes up to 8 GByte ECC memory and supports zfs
> via napp-it/Illumos. A hacked BIOS was required to use
> the 5th internal SATA port in AHCI mode, maybe that's
> no longer necessary with N40L.

The MicroServer is actually a nice little platform, one little bright
spot in the small-home-server market.

It does have some other issues though:

1) It's not particularly low-power, as in, I managed to build some Xeon
   based systems that run rings around it for only maybe a dozen watts
   more, and some of the NAShead guys over at one of the Linux based
   projects have a similar but lower-power platform for a lower price,

2) While it has a remote management card available, it's known to not
   work with certain things, including FreeBSD, 

3) Various problems noted with the eSATA port, such as the inability
   to use an external port multiplier.

On the flip side, some people have tossed one of those 4-2.5"-in-a-5.25"
bay racks into the optical bay, along with a PCI controller, to allow
the addition of SSD's or whatever for NAS use.  Pretty cool and the 
thing *is* pretty compact.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
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With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

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