On Thursday, February 23, 2012 04:53:06 PM Joe Greco wrote:
> So, good group to ask, probably...  anyone have suggestions for a low-
> noise, low-power GigE switch in the 24-port range ... managed, with SFP?
> That doesn't require constant rebooting?

I can't comment to the rebooting, but a couple of years ago I looked at the 
Allied-Telesis AT-9000-28SP, which is a smack steeply priced (~$1,500) but has 
flexible optics and is managed.  And at ~35 watts is the lowest powered managed 
gigabit switch I was able to find for our solar powered telescopes.  The grant 
that was going to fund that fell through, so I'm still running the 90W+ 
Catalyst 2900XL with two 1000Base-X modules and 24 10/100 ports instead, but 
the AT unit looked pretty good as a pretty much direct replacement with extra 

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