On Sun, 01 Apr 2012 11:28:34 +0430, Shahab Vahabzadeh said:
> Thanks for your time and your answer, Of course I know how to search in 
> google or internet.
> But the problem is as you told to have a good network and launch the best 
> solution.

Unfortunately, I can't make any real recommendation for your net - although we
have some 1300 access points scattered across 100 buildings (a combination of
Cisco and Aruba gear) with a peak of 10,700 or so simultaneous users, we have
not ireally addressed the issue of outdoor wireless. For much of campus, it's
not a big problem, as buildings are packed fairly close together, and many of
the good benches, trees, retaining walls, and other places to sit are close
enough to a building that signal leakage from inside allows users to connect 

But there's a 22 acre field (about twice the size of the garden you are trying
to support) in the middle of campus... literally in the middle, as in "the 
is built around that field". ;)

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