On Mar 13, 2012, at 8:57 PM, Christopher Morrow wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:
>>> C) 5 ips STATICALLY ROUTED AS /32's!! (WTF??) for 25$ above the
>>> option-B above/month.
>> And people wonder why Verizon is the first to whine about routing table 
>> growth from deaggregation? ;-)
> eh, these end up (I think) aggregated on the edge router, so you get 5
> /32's from a /23 (or the like) routed to the edge layer3 device. not
> as bloaty for the rest of their network as it at first seems.
>> In all seriousness, though, I don't think they are routed as /32s. I think 
>> that's one for the Verizon CPE,
>> 5 for your devices all routed as a single /29.
> owen, seen the config on a live router, yes they are routed as /32's
> to the VC you are connected to. I probably have the config for my old
> link in IM/email somewhere. apparently their automation either doesn't
> understand CIDR, or it was 'too expensive' to make the automation do
> CIDR once they started to offer extra ips to the business customers.
> -chris

Interesting. I guess to each their own.

Many other providers I know are selling "5 IP" packages done the other way.


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