On Tue, 13 Mar 2012, Faisal Imtiaz wrote:
Why do you want to do BGP with Comcast or Verizon ? (Over FIOS or Cable ?)
To gain redundancy for a consulting client.
Is the intent to Peer with their network ? (which they will rightfully only
allow on bigger fatter connections)..
I think you mean "higher margin connections" ;) As far as I know, most
major carriers will still sell you a T1 for Internet access (and even
BGP!) if you want it.
Are you trying to delivery your IP's to a End Customer behind that FIOS /
Cable Connection ? ...
(there a ways to accomplish this without needing their cooperation..)
Running BGP over a tunnel is one (albeit sub-optimal) option, but I don't
know of any providers that sell such a service.
All of the other options have varying degrees of downside, i.e. how much
of an outage are you willing to put up with when provider A fails,
transferring DNS records, etc.