Joe Greco wrote:
The ideal world contains a mix of techniques.
Yes and copying parts of relevant code of an MTA could be one.
You cannot just blindly leave it to the MTA to decide what's valid.
Along that path lies madness. How do you pass the address to the MTA?
Don't do it as a system() call unless you want someone to own your
box with a semicolon.
Well, the whole world can pass whatever it wants to an MTA, it's
supposed to be listening on internet facing port 25 all the time, that's
it's mean reason of existence. An MTA is particularly well suited to
take any kind of abuse, because that's exactly what it's expecting.
Unless in cases such as Owen mentioned I'd say it's a pretty good
solution. The madness to me lies in making your own email validating code...
Earthquake Magnitude: 4.5
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 04:15:05 UTC
Location: Dominican Republic region
Latitude: 19.3644; Longitude: -68.0645
Depth: 19.20 km