Steve Bertrand wrote:
imo, this discussion of outbound SMTP has been sounding akin to me
saying I should let my upstream ensure that all of my BGP announcements
are good, instead of filtering my own outbound.
> know whether the address is to RFC or not. Less bugs and changes, I feel
> it is better to give the remote host known-good data then have to have
> them tell me it is bad.
I don't think it's comparable. Because you would not use a remote MTA to
validate your email address. You would use the MTA that listens on
localhost on the server your code is running. It's really trivial to
install an MTA that only listens on localhost and submits email to a
I mean, if you have code on a webserver that gets form data and sends
out emails you best run an MTA locally to which you submit the email and
be done with it. The local MTA will take care of queuing and all that
for you and submits your email to a smarthost, und so weiter.
In Perl for example, there is Email::Valid. One line of code and you
Of course use something like that if it's available to you.
Earthquake Magnitude: 4.9
Date: Friday, March 16, 2012 11:36:40 UTC
Location: Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
Latitude: -55.2298; Longitude: -128.8988
Depth: 10.20 km