On 12 Mar 2012, at 16:21 , Leigh Porter wrote:

>> Grass-roots, bottom-up policy process
>> +
>> Need for multihoming
>> +
>> Got tired of waiting
>> =
>> IPv6 PI

> A perfect summation.

Except that it didn't happen in that order. When ARIN approved PI the shim6 
effort was well underway, but it was too early to be able to know to what 
degree it would solve the multihoming problem. Earlier, when multi6 was stuck 
or later, when shim6, at least as a specification, but preferably as multiple 
implementations, could have been evaluated would both have been reasonable 
times to decide to go for PI instead.

Of course as has been the case over and over the argument "if you give us 
feature X we'll implement IPv6" has never borne out.

> Also given that people understand what PI space is and how it works and 
> indeed it does pretty much just work for the end users of the space.

The trouble is that it doesn't scale. Which is fine right now at the current 
IPv6 routing table size, but who knows what the next decades bring. We've been 
living with IPv4 for 30 years now, and IPv6 doesn't have a built-in 32-bit 
expiry date so it's almost certainly going to be around for much longer.

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