On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 3:23 AM, Mehmet Akcin <meh...@akcin.net> wrote:
> if you know anyone who is filtering /48 , you can start telling them to STOP 
> doing so as a good citizen of internet6.

I had a bit of off-list discussion about this topic, and I was not
going to bring it up today on-list, but since the other point of view
is already there, I may as well.

Unless you are going to pay the bill for my clients to upgrade their
3BXL/3CXL systems (and similar) to XXL and then XXXL, I think we need
to do two things before IPv6 up-take is really broad:

1) absolutely must drop /48 de-aggregates from ISP blocks
2) absolutely must make RIR policy so orgs can get /48s for
anycasting, and whatever other purposes

If we fail to adjust RIR policy to account for the huge amount of
accidental de-aggregation that can (and will) happen with IPv6, we
will eventually have to do #1 anyway, but a bunch of networks will
have to renumber in order take advantage of #2 down the road.

The way we are headed right now, it is likely that the IPv6 address
space being issued today will look like "the swamp" in a few short
years, and we will regret repeating this obvious mistake.

We had this discussion on the list exactly a year ago.  At that time,
the average IPv6 origin ASN was announcing 1.43 routes.  That figure
today is 1.57 routes per origin ASN.

Jeff S Wheeler <j...@inconcepts.biz>
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

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