If you're building a datacenter probably not.  Other than giving the remote
hands some identifier and making them label the servers themselves.  If
you're at a conference you could get away with using masking tape and a
sharpie.  If you think it was time consuming applying the labels wait until
you need to remove one.

2012/2/16 Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com>

> ok, this is horribly pragmatic, but it's real.  yesterday i was in the
> westin playing rack and stack for five hours.  an horrifyingly large
> amount of my time was spent trying to peel apart labels made on my
> portable brother label tape maker, yes peeling the backing from a little
> label so remote hands could easily confirm a server they were going to
> attack.
> is there a trick?  is there a (not expensive) different labeling machine
> or technique i should use?
> randy

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