I assumed since he was asking about a "top of rack" (TOR) switch, he was 
actually using it as a top of rack switch and adding a couple more uplinks to 
his core would be cheaper than replacing all the hardware.  Not understanding 
the topology and the application makes good recommendations a crap shoot, at 

From: Nick Hilliard 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 4:51 PM
To: bas
Cc: George Bonser; nanog
Subject: Re: 10GE TOR port buffers (was Re: 10G switch recommendaton)

In the case of a tor switch, the use case is typically in a situation where 
you're not downstepping from a higher speed to a lower speed, and where you 
don't really need fancy qos.  So as its not generally needed for the sort of 
things that tor switches are used for, its not added to the hardware spec. 


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