This is already very normal (tens of millions of people doing this).

World of Warcraft, RIFT, and Star Wars: The Old Republic, etc. are all
around 20G of downloads.  Sure they have boxed versions, but after you
install them they need another 10G of patches to download (looking at you,

The majority of players buy the digital download (instant gratification).

Some companies, like Blizzard, have even created streaming game clients
that prioritizes what is downloaded to get people playing right away.

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 7:46 AM, <> wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Jan 2012 11:35:49 +0100, Tei said:
> > Theres also a rumour that these new consoles will require internet to
> > download games.
> Apply some logic here - is it in the vendor's best interests to *require*
> internet to download games?  As somebody else pointed out, there's an
> awful lot
> of current-gen consoles in tents in Mongolia and farmhouses in Montana -
> do you
> want to make a product that those people can't buy and use *at all*?
> There's also a large segment of the gaming community that will, in fact, be
> rather upset if you take away the ritual of camping out in front of
> GameStop.
> > Can internet in USA support that?   Call of Duty 15 releases may 2014
> > and 30 million gamers start downloading a 20 GB files.  Would the
> > internet collapse like a house of cards?.
> I'll go out on a limb and say that neither Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo
> are stupid
> enough to release the sort of console your rumors predict until after the
> guys
> at NetFlix have made it safe for them to do so. :)

Ray Soucy

Epic Communications Specialist

Phone: +1 (207) 561-3526

Networkmaine, a Unit of the University of Maine System

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