Yes, sorry. We will respond to all takers shortly; there was a flaw in our logic used to generate these numbers and wanted to ensure that we were painting an accurate picture. We will have statistics out within a week, hopefully.


On 12/16/11 9:55 AM, Paul Stewart wrote:
I'll take a guess they are back logged - they have been working on our traffic 
stats since a week before that posting made it to nanog list

--- Sent via IPhone

On 2011-12-16, at 9:16 AM, "Dennis Burgess"<>  wrote:

Same here.

Dennis Burgess, Mikrotik Certified Trainer
Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik&  WISP Support Services
Office: 314-735-0270 Website:
LIVE On-Line Mikrotik Training - Author of "Learn RouterOS"

-----Original Message-----
From: Blake Hudson []
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 8:11 AM
To: Dave Temkin
Subject: Re: Overall Netflix bandwidth usage numbers on a network?

Requests to this address appear to go unanswered?

Dave Temkin wrote the following on 12/11/2011 6:29 PM:
Feel free to contact peering@netflix<dot>com - we're happy to provide
you with delivery statistics for traffic terminating on your network.

-Dave Temkin

On 12/7/11 8:57 AM, Blake Hudson wrote:
Yeah, that's an interesting one. We currently utilize netflow for
this, but you also need to consider that netflix streaming is just
port 80 www traffic. Because netflix uses CDNs, its difficult to pin
down the traffic to specific hosts in the CDN and say that this
traffic was netflix, while this traffic was the latest windows update
(remember this is often a shared hosting platform). We've done our
own testing and have come to a good solution which uses a combination
of nbar, packet marking, and netflow to come to a conclusion. On a
~160Mbps link, netflix peaks out between 30-50Mbps around 8-10PM
evening. The rest of the traffic is predominantly other forms of HTTP
traffic (including other video streaming services).

Martin Hepworth wrote the following on 12/3/2011 2:36 AM:
Also checkout Adrian Cockcroft presentations on their architecture
which describes how they use aws and CDns etc


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