On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:00 PM, Jason Lixfeld <ja...@lixfeld.ca> wrote:
> On 2011-12-12, at 4:22 PM, Simon Lockhart <si...@slimey.org> wrote:
>> I guess most (i.e. those
>> which aren't Akamai) are more concerned with making money than with 
>> delivering
>> a good service to the end user.
> Really?  I always thought that higher profits and buying transit were 
> mutually exclusive relative to higher profits and openly peering.
> So what you are saying is that one stands to make more by paying upstreams 
> for bit swapping?  How's that work?
> If the argument is that the opex required for maintaining peering 
> relationships is too expensive relative to the direct and indirect cost of 
> buying bandwidth, I love to be edumacated on how that math actually works 
> because it makes absolutely no sense to me.

I'm somewhat assuming you're trolling here.  :/

but just in case...

the lost revenue from peering with someone when you could be
charging them transit prices is the tradeoff being referred to
here; Level3 isn't in the business of paying upstreams for
bandwidth.  (well, other than comcast, but that's a different
thread entirely.  And yes, I suppose that would be me trolling.
Bad Matt!)


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