Option 2) and think country wide ISP growing very fast.

On 12/9/11 10:39 , "Patrick W. Gilmore" <patr...@ianai.net> wrote:

>On Dec 9, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Franck Martin wrote:
>> I just had a personal email from a brand new ISP in the Asia-Pacific
>>area desperately looking for enough IPv4 to be able to run their
>>business the way they would likeŠ
>> This is just a data point.
>Interesting data point.
>Would be more interesting to find out "the way they would like".  For
>instance, is it a "bullet-proof" hoster who promises each spammer 1K IP
>addresses across dozens of discontiguous /24s?
>Or is it a DSL provider with 10K subs, and APNIC would only give them a
>/22 until next year?

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