I have a boatload of IPv6 addresses I'm willing to sell at the low, low price 
of $.01 each.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher J. Pilkington [mailto:c...@0x1.net] 
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 12:18 PM
To: Michael R. Wayne
Subject: Re: IP addresses are now assets

On Dec 1, 2011, at 23:04, "Michael R. Wayne" <wa...@staff.msen.com> wrote:

> After negotiating with multiple prospective buyers, Cerner Corp.
>   agreed to buy the Internet addresses for $12 each. Other bids were
>   as low as $1.50 each, according to a bankruptcy court filing.

Clearly the addresses with the last octet of 00 and ff should be discounted, 
since no one wants to be zero, and ff just seems to get everyone's attention.


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