Wayne - Your subject line (IP addresses are now assets) could mislead folks, so I'd advise waiting to review the actual sale order once approved by the court before making summary conclusions.
ARIN holds that IP address space is not property but is managed as a public resource. Address holders may have certain rights (such as the right to be the registrant of the address block, the right to transfer the registration, etc.) but these rights intersect with additional rights to the same address blocks which are held by the community (such as the right of visibility to the public portion of registrations). The registry policies (set by the community via open and transparent processes) govern the intersection and application of these rights. For this reason, ARIN works with parties transferring their rights in IP address space to make sure that the documents reflect that sales of rights are subject to the transfer policies in the region, including in this particular case. A party may transfer their rights to IP addresses, and such rights may have value to an estate, but this does not make the IP addresses "property" per se. Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN