Formal construction contract bids use the Construction Specification Institute 
(CSI) format. There are 2 versions, I am familiar with and use the 1998 
version. The 1998 CSI format is broken up into 16 divisions (mechanical, civil, 
electrical, architectural, etc.). Electrical, where network cabling specs 
reside in the CSI 1998 version, are located in Division 16. The standard fiber 
optic spec is Division 16 16745. A web search on "fiber optic 16745 spec" will 
turn up various examples from real fiber optic construction bids, usually 
government contracts for large-scale construction projects such as highways, 
University campuses, municipal fiber builds, etc.

My suggestion is to look at existing 16745 specs, and modify them to your 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam (Walter) Gailey []
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 6:43 AM
Subject: Cable standards question

Hello, newbie question of the morning time, but hopefully not too off-topic...

I run a small town network. A new building is being built that the town wants 
fiber access to. I have to specify for vendors what it is that the town expects 
in the cabling. I am (obviously) not a fiber expert, and I'm having trouble 
phrasing the language of the RFP so that we are assured a quality installation.

My question is this; Is there an appropriate standard to specify for 
fiber-optic cabling that if it is followed the fiber will be installed 
correctly? Would specifying TIA/EIA 568-C.3, for example, be correct?

I'm envisioning something like;

"The vendor will provide fiber connectivity between (building A) and (building 
B). Vendor will be responsible for all building penetrations and terminations. 
When  installing the fiber-optic cable the vendor will follow the appropriate 
TIA/EIA 568 standards for fiber-optic cabling."

Any suggestions or examples of language would be very appreciated. Offlist 
contact is probably best.

Many thanks,


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