On Nov 14, 2011, at 8:42 AM, Sam (Walter) Gailey wrote:

> "The vendor will provide fiber connectivity between (building A) and 
> (building B). Vendor will be responsible for all building penetrations and 
> terminations. When  installing the fiber-optic cable the vendor will follow 
> the appropriate TIA/EIA 568 standards for fiber-optic cabling."
> Any suggestions or examples of language would be very appreciated. Offlist 
> contact is probably best.

Is it appropriate to just say "When installing fiber-optic cable the vendor 
will ensure the resulting installation does not suck."?
That would seem to me to be the most direct solution to the problem. I mean, 
standards are all well and good, but what if the standard sucks?
Then you'd be up a creek.

Maybe there should be a legal definition of the concept of suck, so that 
suckage could be contractually minimized.

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