On Oct 31, 2011 9:13 PM, "Jack Bates" <jba...@brightok.net> wrote:
> On 10/31/2011 11:00 PM, Scott Whyte wrote:
>> But seriously, if you can help her ascertain real middlebox use cases
she wants to help improve that segment of networking via useful research,
nothing more or less.
> Would love to see the results, although it definitely is catered more to
enterprise than ISP (where many of these are probably used more than in

Unfotunately ISPs are deploying many middle boxen, frequently in series,
for various reasons...cough cough cgn.

Given that these middle box infested ISPs are supposed to be providing
"internet", that seems like more fertile research grounds, as the
definition of internet is starting to shift ...at least imho.


> It's missing a small datapoint. What types of failures are most likely to
occur?(Physical/electrical, Misconfiguration, Overload)
> Layer-3 Routers -            SOFTWARE BUGS!
> : )
> -Jack

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