Hello! My name is Justine and I am a graduate student at UC Berkeley (http://cs.berkeley.edu/~justine).
I'm doing a research project on middlebox appliances such as proxies, WAN optimizers, and firewalls. Middlebox appliances are any networking-related hardware other than routers and switches. I'd like to learn a little bit about how middleboxes are used in real world deployments in enterprises. Vendors often engage in surveys of this type - but the research community knows less than we'd like to about typical concerns in an enterprise network. If you work on network management in an enterprise, I'd love to hear about your experiences through this survey: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dHo1NGZ3eU04SlBaSnNsSlBYZGNYSlE6MQ#gid=0 Some promises: (1) If you give me your email address, I will not give it to anyone else, nor will I add you to any annoying mailing lists. (2) If you mention the name of your organization, I will not share it with anyone else. (3) If I publish any data from this, statistics will be reported in aggregate. (4) I will not share the raw data from this survey with anyone other than my advisor, Professor Sylvia Ratnasamy (syl...@eecs.berkeley.edu). Feel free to skip questions and please provide approximate answers if you have them. Finally, to thank you for your time, we'll enter you in to a lottery for a $100 Amazon gift card; we'll select two people to win and contact them on November 16. Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Justine PS: The survey is here! Don't miss it! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dHo1NGZ3eU04SlBaSnNsSlBYZGNYSlE6MQ#gid=0