I agree with Skeeve that it hits a number of lists, but I think that is a good thing and is of value.

I agree with others who have said that there is any amount of worthless noise on lists and we can just filter if not required.

Personally iirc, it was this content that led me to find Geoff's web site and follow on to a number of other very useful resources when I first started learning about this space.

We need to remember that not every person in this space enters from University but some migrate to it because of other drivers.

Hence some of these resources, that those of you with decades of experience, wonder about the value of, actually have far more value than just their core content. (Hope that makes sense.).


On 16/10/2011 4:48 p.m., Skeeve Stevens wrote:
I read them all too.

BUT, I get some 5 or 6 copies of them from all the lists I am on.  I would 
rather subscribe to a list that was just for those.



Skeeve Stevens, CEO - eintellego Pty Ltd

ske...@eintellego.net<mailto:ske...@eintellego.net>  ; www.eintellego.net

Phone: 1300 753 383 ; Fax: (+612) 8572 9954

Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; skype://skeeve


twitter.com/networkceoau ; www.linkedin.com/in/skeeve

PO Box 7726, Baulkham Hills, NSW 1755 Australia


eintellego - The Experts Who The Experts Call
Juniper - HP Networking - Cisco - Brocade

On 16/10/11 7:24 AM, "Lynda"<shr...@deaddrop.org<mailto:shr...@deaddrop.org>>  

On 10/15/2011 4:26 AM, Geoff Huston wrote:
While I am at it, does anyone read this report, or is this weekly report also 
just part of the spam load on this list?

I read both of them, and also the Weekly Routing Report. I will regret
the loss, and consider all three to be far more valuable than 90% of the
traffic on the list.

Last week we lost a giant in the world of computing.
Last weekend we lost the giant on whose shoulders he stood.
Rest in peace, friend.
    (Tim Pierce, on the deaths of Dennis Ritchie and Steve Jobs)

Don Gould
31 Acheson Ave
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ph: + 64 3 348 7235
Mobile: + 64 21 114 0699

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