( Being this is a Windows box)

    Want to scare yourself silly?

    . Power off the PC;
    . Plug it a switch;
    . Mirror the PC port into a Unix box running Wireshark;
    . Boot the PC

Enjoy all the info leakages from all the apps you installed over the years.

Alain Hebert                                aheb...@pubnix.net
PubNIX Inc.
50 boul. St-Charles
P.O. Box 26770     Beaconsfield, Quebec     H9W 6G7
Tel: 514-990-5911  http://www.pubnix.net    Fax: 514-990-9443

On 09/29/11 09:19, Eric Clark wrote:
did you start your browser before looking at your connection list?

However, you're on a window's box, so it wouldn't surprise me if they helpfully 
started ie for you....

If you didn't start the browser you use to go to facebook (and its not ie), its 
fairly interesting.

On Sep 29, 2011, at 6:13 AM, Glen Kent wrote:


I see that i have multiple TCP sessions established with facebook.
They come up even after i reboot my laptop and dont login to facebook!

D:\Documents and Settings\gkent>netstat -a | more

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP    gkent:3974    www-10-02-snc5.facebook.com:http  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    gkent:3977    www-11-05-prn1.facebook.com:http  ESTABLISHED
  TCP    gkent:3665
a184-84-111-139.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com:http  ESTABLISHED


Any idea why these connections are established (with facebook and
akamaitechnologies) and how i can kill them? Since my laptop has
several connections open with facebook, what kind of information is
flowing there?

I also wonder about the kind of servers facebook must be having to be
able to manage millions of TCP connections that must be terminating


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