Use 'netstat -ao' to see which process(es) they are associated with.
Then use a sniffer to see what actual traffic they carry.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Glen Kent <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I see that i have multiple TCP sessions established with facebook.
> They come up even after i reboot my laptop and dont login to facebook!
> D:\Documents and Settings\gkent>netstat -a | more
> Active Connections
>  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
>  TCP    gkent:3974  ESTABLISHED
>  TCP    gkent:3977  ESTABLISHED
>  TCP    gkent:3665
> [clipped]
> Any idea why these connections are established (with facebook and
> akamaitechnologies) and how i can kill them? Since my laptop has
> several connections open with facebook, what kind of information is
> flowing there?
> I also wonder about the kind of servers facebook must be having to be
> able to manage millions of TCP connections that must be terminating
> there.
> Glen

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