On 09/19/2011 10:40 PM, Matthew Kaufman wrote:
> On 9/16/2011 12:58 PM, Leigh Porter wrote:
>> I wonder what would happen if a new ARIN member requested an IPv4
>> block of say a /16 for a new business? Or even a smaller block. I
>> don't know what the current ARIN rules are but RIPE will currently
>> give out six months worth of space. Now, in six months, I don't
>> expect there to be any left anyway, so what will likely be all the v4
>> you ever get.
>> Very soon it'll be nigh on impossible for new entrants to the ISP
>> business to get their own v4 space.
> Isn't that the point?

That's what I'm thinking. :)

I don't plan on requesting any v4 space from ARIN. Just using provider
space for the small v4 traffic needs.

Charles N Wyble char...@knownelement.com @charlesnw on twitter


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