On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:57 AM, Benson Schliesser wrote:

>> However, your statement that I only welcome change funneled through 
>> "ARIN-managed channels" is incorrect, as I have made it quite plain 
>> on multiple occasions that the structure of the Internet number 
>> registry system itself is not necessarily a discussion that should
>> be held within the existing structure (e.g. RIRs and ICANN), but might 
>> also be appropriately held external to the existing structure (such as 
>> by operator forums or the Internet Governance Forum).
> Are you suggesting that ARIN policy or procedure might change as a direct 
> result of discussion in e.g. IGF? Or perhaps here on NANOG?

No.  What I am noting is that there are even venues available for those 
who wish to completely restructure the Internet number registry system 
from the outside, i.e. taking a revolutionary as opposed to evolutionary
approach to change.


John Curran
President and CEO

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