On Sep 18, 2011 1:08 PM, "Benson Schliesser" <bens...@queuefull.net> wrote:
> On Sep 18, 2011, at 15:51, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:
> >> I'm told of others that have bought legacy IPv4 prefixes with no
> >> intention of updating whois at this time - no desire to enter into a
> >> relationship with ARIN and be subjected to existing "policy", for
> >> instance.
> >
> > so your point is that your friends at depository.com will be attractive
> > to ip address space buyers because they will offer a less religious rsa.
> > and the question is whether the ops community will believe their whois
> > and install a separate rpki trust root for them?
> For instance, yes.
> I'm also wondering if the ops community will accept other sources of proof
such as legal documents (or something else?), in lieu of Whois records from
an RIR, Depository, or elsewhere.
> > could be.  but i would not want to have that as my business plan.
> >
> > randy, who is all for a less religious rsa
> You wouldn't bet on ARIN being religious for the foreseeable future? ;)
Or, you wouldn't bet on the ops community embracing alternatives?
> Cheers,
> -Benson

Call me optimistic but .... ipv6 does not have these issues...

For anyone making STRATEGIC choices about ipv4 investments... beware of
sharks in these waters, not just the cgn pains

Are we having fun yet?


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