On 09/18/2011 08:25 PM, Frank Bulk wrote:
> I understand that tunneling meets the letter of the ARIN policy, but I'll 
> make the bold assumption that wasn't the spirit of the policy when it was 
> written.  Maybe the policy needs to be amended to clarify that.

Well that would be a shame in my opinion. When one is boot strapping a
network, it's very useful to have an ASN/PI space. Especially for v6. If
one starts with a "real" upstream and a multihomed via tunnel, is that
really so bad?

I don't think it is.

I am now very fascinated with the policy around all this. I didn't think
my thread would touch off this passionate discussion. I've only gotten a
few really useful response (from John/Owen/Roland) which come to think
of it, is about what I would expect. I was hoping for more technical
responses. Go gripe on the ARIN lists if you really truly want policy

I greatly appreciate the clarification of policy and relevant docs etc.
Seems really straightforward to me now.

Now let's get back to technical / nuts and bolts discussion of building
an ISP shall we?

Charles N Wyble char...@knownelement.com @charlesnw on twitter


Building alternative,global scale,secure, cost effective bit moving platform
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