If you also want to control where they go from the jump box, you might
want to look at http://www.xceedium.com/en/index.php as they claim to
add rules to what a remotely logged in user can do.

Juniper SA is very nice and get's intuitive after you familiriaze
yourself with it's workflow which is a pain if you're new to the box.

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 15:21, John Peach <john-na...@johnpeach.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:45:55 -0400
> Rafael Rodriguez <packetjoc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I recommend you look into the Juniper SSL VPN products (SA Series). Very 
>> power boxes, intuitive admin interface (web driven) and are perfect for the 
>> "Vendor Access" type of applications.
> They work fine (mostly), but your definition of intuitive obviously does
> not coincide with mine.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 1, 2011, at 16:30, "Jones, Barry" <bejo...@semprautilities.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello all.
>> > I am looking at a variety of systems/methods to provide (vendor, employee) 
>> > access into my dmz's. I want to reduce the FW rule sets and connections to 
>> > as minimal as possible. And I want the accessing party to only get to the 
>> > destination I define (like a fw rule).
>> >
>> > When I refer to access, I'm referring to the ability of a vendor or 
>> > employee to perform maintenance tasks on a server(s). The server(s) will 
>> > be running apps for doing different tasks - such as Shavlik, etc..,  
>> > (patching, reports, logging, etc..), so I am envisioning allowing an 
>> > outside vendor/employee (from the internet or corp. net) to RDP or SSH to 
>> > a given Windows or Unix based machines, then perform their application 
>> > work from that jumping off point - kind of like a terminal server; but I'd 
>> > like to control and audit the sessions as well.
>> >
>> > Overall, I can allow a host/port through the FW to a single host, but I 
>> > wanted to be able to do the session management and endpoint controls. FW's 
>> > are ok, but you know as well as I that I now deal with lots of rules sets. 
>> > And I need to also authenticate the user.
>> >
>> > We are a couple smaller facilities (150 hosts each) and I need to be able 
>> > to control and audit the sessions when requested. I have considered doing 
>> > a meetingplace server, then providing escorted access for them, or doing 
>> > just the FW and a "jump" host - but need the endpoint and session 
>> > solution, or just using VPN - but don't want to install a host on the 
>> > vendor machines. I also have looked at a product called EDMZ - wondered if 
>> > anyone had experience with it?
>> >
>> > And did I say I wanted to keep it as simple as possible? :-) It's been a 
>> > few years since I've done hands-on networking work, so excuse the 
>> > long-winded letter. Feel free to email me directly too.
>> >
>> > Sincerely
>> > Barry Jones
> --
> john

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