On Friday, September 02, 2011 10:49:32 PM Jeff Saxe wrote:

> Seriously, I would expect that most public Internet
> carriers, unless you paid them extra fees to pay
> attention to the DSCP markings, would completely ignore
> them and treat it all as best-effort traffic, right up
> to and including the last-mile circuit that should be
> the congestion point at which QoS would be most useful
> to differentiate. I don't think it would be the stated
> policy of any public ISP to drop other-than-zero-marked
> packets, especially if it's a transit somewhere that's
> out of reach of either you or the other customer you're
> trying to reach.

I think that DSCP 0 is safest for Internet traffic. As such, 
if a network is going to deploy QoS, they would do well to 
implement this safety net for Internet traffic so that said 
traffic doesn't fall victim to restrictive policies of non-0 
DSCP strategies, or just as equally, doesn't get scheduled 
with a better advantage than is necessary, as that would 
cost money.


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