On Aug 20, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Arturo Servin wrote:
>       If you are claiming right over these prefixes I suggest you to contact 

And that will do what exactly?

Back when I worked at an RIR, a prefix was "misplaced".  When I contacted the 
(country monopoly PTT) ISP and told them the prefix had been removed from 
APNIC's database and should not be routed.  Their response was "We have a 
contract with the customer for connectivity.  We do not have a contract with 
you." and I was encouraged to get the customer to voluntarily withdraw the 

If BGPSEC+RPKI were deployed, there might be something active the RIRs could 
do.  However, this has its own implications regarding centralized control of 
the routing system (as discussed, ironically enough, in the RIPE region).  And 
this is going to get much more 'interesting' as the IPv4 free pool exhausts and 
the market moves from black to grey or white.  Fun times ahead.


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