on 26.07.2011 16:25 Cameron Byrne wrote:
> On Jul 26, 2011 6:57 AM, "harbor235" <harbor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am curious what is the best practice for OOB for a core
>> infrastructure environment. Obviously, there is
>> an OOB kit for customer managed devices via POTS, Ethernet, etc ... And
>> there is OOB for core infrastructure
>> typically a separate basic network that utilizes diverse carrier and
> diverse
>> path when available.
>> My question is, is it best practice to extend an inband VPN throughout for
>> device management functions as well?
>> And are all management services performed OOB, e.g network management,
> some
>> monitoring, logging,
>> authentication, flowdata, etc ..... If a management VPN is used is it also
>> extended to managed customer devices?
>> What else is can be done for remote management and troubleshooting
>> capabilities?
> IMHO, it is always a good idea to have completely different infrastructure
> supporting Oob.

Fully acked, but with every service migrating to IP how do you make sure
that the oob infrastructure is completely different from your production

Best regards,
Arnold Nipper / nIPper consulting, Sandhausen, Germany
email: arn...@nipper.de       phone: +49 6224 9259 299
mobile: +49 152 53717690      fax:   +49 6224 9259 333

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