We all make mistakes in not questioning our own positions, from time to time. You, Jeff, seem to be making that very same mistake.
Please keep these points in mind: * Rome wasn't built in a day. The current system didn't come ready-made pre-built with all the bells and whistles you are used to. It grew slowly over time, as we learned what works, what doesn't, and what was missing. Any system that attempts to deal with locator/id separation will assuredly not be built in a day, either. * While you have stated a problem relating to a security consideration – specifically that there is a potential reflection attack that could cause cache thrashing, the solution may not be what you expect. * Yes, you were asked. Even so... Novelty isn't something worth arguing over, except in patent battles. Usefulness is only worth arguing over marginally more. Deployment (or lack thereof) speaks for itself. LISP or ILNP or what-have-you either will or won't be deployed over the long run. * Never is a very long time. Many uses of "never" have been used relating to the Internet. It is the corollary to "Imminent Death of the 'Net: film @ 11." I still have the NANOG tee-shirt with Robert Metcalfe, someone with considerably more notoriety, eating his hat. Eliot _____ NANOG mailing list NANOG@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog