Unconfigured bulk_mailer = lots of unsolicited bulk mail

Oh well


Sent from my iPad

On 13-Jul-2011, at 19:43, James Cloos <cl...@jhcloos.com> wrote:

>>>>>> "JA" == Jay Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> writes:
> JA> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Ben Carleton" <b...@bencarleton.com>
>>> * The mailing list is stripping out all Received: headers from prior
>>> to the message hitting the listserver
> JA> You're the third person to report that, but *I* am seeing incoming
> JA> Received headers in my messages here -- yours, for example, has them
> JA> all, even prior to the message hitting s0.
> That is because they switched back to the mailman infrastructure, again,
> after just a few hours on the bulk_mailer infrastructure.
> Look for mail with an envelope from of help@nanog for the problematic ones.
> -JimC
> -- 
> James Cloos <cl...@jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

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