---- Original Message -----
> From: "Zaid Ali" <z...@zaidali.com>

> Just an example, it has hit main stream media
> http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/17/who-runs-the-internet/

The issue we're presently discussing *is not mentioned in that article*.

> Or you could have gone to one of the many free iCANN meetings where
> you can hear about this till your ears go blue. It has only been a
> topic for discussion for about 10 years :) but of course if it's not
> on NANOG it can't be true.

Course not.  :-)

Notwithstanding that, globally resolvable valid DNS names *with no dots 
in them* are going to break a fair amount of software which assumes that's
an invalid case, and that is in fact a *different* situation, not triggered
by the expansion of the *generic* gTLD space.

So, like DRC, your response isn't to my actual point.  :-)

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       j...@baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com         2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

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