Does Cogent participate in the meetings/shows like the one coming up
next week ?  Would that not be a good place for NANOGers to voice their

Dennis Burgess, Mikrotik Certified Trainer 
Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik & WISP Support Services
Office: 314-735-0270 Website:
LIVE On-Line Mikrotik Training - Author of "Learn RouterOS"

-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Hess [] 
Sent: June 09, 2011 7:56 AM
To: Saku Ytti
Subject: Re: Cogent & HE

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 3:39 AM, Saku Ytti <> wrote:
> On (2011-06-09 00:55 -0700), Owen DeLong wrote:

> I look forward for IPv4 to go away, as in future I can have full free 
> connectivity through HE to every other shop who all have full free 
> connectivity to HE. Something went terribly wrong in IPv4 land, where 
> we're being unfairly forced to pay to access other networks through

The existence of free IPv6 transit from one peer to another is clearly a
temporary situation;  when IPv6 traffic picks up, expect to see the end
of free transit, or a new rule like  "free transit only to our paying
customers' networks", or "Pay an extra port fee, get first XX megs
transit for free".

It's obvious HE wishes to get positioning as
Tier1 on the IPv6 network.  Once the amount of IPv6 traffic increases,
$$ required for HE to provide transit between free peers will increase,
and at some amount of traffic  free transit will no longer be
sustainable, due to additional network upgrades, ports, etc, required to
carry additional transit.

So they either lose massive $$, become a non-profit organization, and
get sufficient donations from peers to fund upgrades,  or at some point,
limit the amount of (or type) of transit that is free, or stop adding

An assumption is that there will be such a thing as a Tier1 on the IPv6
Perhaps, the fact there are ISPs larger than all the others and the IP
protocol suite tends to form a hierarchical structure logically, BUT

There exists a possibility that no IPv6 network will be able to achieve
transit-free status through peering;  evidently, it just takes one large
arrogant network operator to demand everyone else buy transit, in order
to prevent any Tier1s  from completely becoming Tier1

(and ironically -- preventing themselves from being classified Tier1,
due to refusing to peer with HE).

Unless you know... the operational definition of Tier1 is relaxed
greatly to allow for partial connectivity;  reaching 50% of the networks
without transit does not make one Tier1.


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