On Jun 8, 2011, at 9:18 PM, Kevin Loch wrote:
> Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 08, 2011 at 06:39:02PM -0400, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
>>> Yes, both refuse to buy transit, yes.  But HE is able, willing, and even 
>>> begging to peer; Cogent is not.  These are not "the same thing".
>> I'm ready, willing, and lets say for the purposes of this discussion begging 
>> to peer with every Tier 1, but some of them aren't willing to peer with me. 
>> Does that mean I should stop buying transit and blame them for my resulting 
>> lack of global reachability? 
> Do you have half the routing table as your customer base?
No one does, most especially neither 174 nor 6369.  (Although GBL3 will be able 
to make a good stab at it if they don't shed too many customers 


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