On 05/20/2011 08:53 AM, Brett Frankenberger wrote:
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 06:46:45PM +0000, Eu-Ming Lee wrote:
To do this, you only need 2 numbers: the nth digit of pi and the number of
Simply convert your message into a single extremely long integer. Somewhere,
in the digits of pi, you will find a matching series of digits the same as
your integer!
Decompressing the number is relatively easy after some sort-of recent
advances in our understanding of pi.
Finding out what those 2 numbers are--- well, we still have a ways to go
on that.
Even if those problems were solved, you'd need (on average) just as
many bits to represent which digit of pi to start with as you'd need to
represent the original message.
-- Brett
Not quite sure I follow that. "Start at position xyz, carry on for 10000
bits" shouldn't be as long as telling it all 10000 bits?